Contemporary Poetry
Derek Walcott, "Elsewhere"
- Review: As a class, find examples of repetition, imagery, simile, metaphor, line, stanza, rhyme scheme, alliteration, consonance, assonance, etc.
- Theme: Walcott spells out the theme in the final stanza of this poem. Put it in your own words.
With a partner, read one of the following poems.
Theodore Roethke, p. 1132
“Night Journey”
Richard Wilbur, p. 1136
“The Beautiful Changes”
Elizabeth Bishop, p. 1143
“One Art”
Sylvia Plath, p. 1146
Anne Sexton, p. 1154
Gwendolyn Brooks, p. 1158
“The Bean Eaters”
Carolyn Forche, p. 1167
“The Memory of Elena”
Rita Dove, p. 1179
Mark Doty, p. 1183
Assignment: All of the following should be completed on the same side of the large sheet of paper.
- Write your poem on large paper; include the title and author.
- Find and label at least seven poetic devices within your poem.
- Create a visual representation of your poem.
- How is this poem representative of the Contemporary movement? Cite specific examples from your poem (with line numbers) in your answer.