Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The Crucible, finish Act 1

  • Finish reading Act I of The Crucible (1228-1235)
  • Work time on Study Guide, Act I. (questions below)
Friday, Sept 13: QUIZ, Act I 

Act I
Characters introduced in Act One:
Reverend Parris
Betty Parris                                      
Rebecca Nurse
Thomas Putnam                             
Ann Putnam
Abigail Williams                            
Ruth Putnam                                   
John Proctor
Giles Corey                                        
Reverend Hale                                 
Mary Warren

1.       From the introduction to Act I (pp. 1216-1218), what is one way the Puritans would gather to have a good time?
2.       According to the introduction, what was the purpose of the theocracy in Salem?
3.       According to the introduction, what kinds of things could the citizens of Salem suddenly say because of the witch hunts?
4.       Why has Reverend Parris sent for a doctor as the play begins?
5.       What advice does the doctor send back?
6.       Upon Abigail’s entrance (p. 1219), Miller describes her as having “an endless capacity for dissembling.”  What should the audience, therefore, already suspect?
7.       What does Parris question his niece Abigail about?
8.       The word faction comes up several times during The Crucible.  In your opinion, why will this concept recur so often?
9.       What is Parris’ main concern?
10.   What did Parris see in the woods the night before the play begins?
11.   What has Elizabeth Proctor said about Abigail?
12.   Why does Abigail say she was dismissed by the Proctors?
13.   What rumors have circulated the town about Betty Parris?  What later occurs that “proves” that she is a witch?
14.   From the background information about Thomas Putnam (p. 1221), what office did he offer a candidate for?
15.   From the background on Putnam, why was he upset with his stepbrother and what did he try to do about it?
16.   Why did Mrs. Putnam contact Tituba?
17.   Who does Abigail accuse of conjuring spirits at this point?
18.   Use the word providence (p. 1221) in a sentence of your own.
19.   Contention is also a word that occurs often in The Crucible.  How is this an appropriate word to describe this scene?
20.   What does Betty Parris reveal about what happened in the woods?
21.   What threat does Abigail make to the other girls?
22.   According to the background information on John Proctor (p. 1224), why do some people feel uncomfortable around John Proctor?
23.   What happened in the past between John Proctor and Abigail?   How do each of them feel about it now?
24.   According to the background information on Rebecca Nurse (p. 1226), what are two reasons that people might have been against Rebecca and Francis Nurse?
25.   What is the function of Rebecca Nurse in the play?
26.   How does John Proctor feel about Reverend Parris?  How do you know?
27.   What is the dispute between John Proctor and Thomas Putnam?
28.   On p.1228, John Proctor asks Giles Corey if it is “the Devil’s fault that a man cannot say you good morning without you clap him for defamation?”  What other character(s) besides Giles are worried about defamation?  How do you know?
29.   According to the background information on Reverend Hale (pp. 1228-1230), how does Hale think of himself as he comes into Salem? 
30.   Why is Reverend Hale in Salem?
31.   When Reverend Hale asks Giles and Proctor if they also have afflicted children, to what affliction does he refer?
32.   The words conjure or conjuring occur often in this play (see Rebecca’s line, p. 1231).  What are other words that would have worked instead?
33.   What does Giles Corey reveal to Reverend Hale?
34.   Why does Reverend Parris point out that there are “all manner of licentious people in the village”(1232)?
35.   When Abigail is questioned by Reverend Hale, who does she blame?  What proof does she offer?
36.   What ultimatum is Tituba given?
37.   Who does Tituba accuse of being a witch?
38.   Why does Abigail start accusing people at the end of Act I?
39.   Why does Betty Parris start accusing people?
40.   Arthur Miller’s use of ecstatic at the end of Act I (p. 1235) is not exactly the common meaning of the word we use today.  How are the two related?

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