Friday, November 1, 2013

Poe poetry

Poe Poetry Group Assignment
Read your assigned Poe Poem.  Next, you will analyze the poem for its structure, poetic techniques, and theme.  You will then share your insights with the class.
In preparation for your presentation, each group will
·         Read Poem.
·         Write Poem on Butcher Paper.
·         Annotate structure, use of poetic devices as discussed in class. Consider any of the following:
o    Rhyme scheme
o    Internal rhyme
o    Onomatopoeia
o    Alliteration
o    Assonance
o    Metaphor
o    Simile
o    Meter (pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables)
o    Personification
·         Decide the theme of the poem.
·         Write an explanation of how the theme is demonstrated in the poem using specific quotations and reference to the poem.  Make sure you make a connection between the citations and the theme.
·         Explain how the poem demonstrates the principles of the dark romantics.
·         Make an illustration for the poem on the butcher paper.

Your group will be assigned one of the following poems:

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