Monday, December 9, 2013

Hemingway, cont.

“Indian Camp” (15-19)
“The Doctor and the Doctor’s Wife” (23-27)
“The End of Something” (31-35)
“The Three-Day Blow” (39-49)
“The Battler” (53-62)

Nick Adams is the typical Hemingway Hero.  Use these five short stories to give examples of each of the Hero’s characteristics. You need two examples for each question from two different stories. Reference specific story titles and events with page numbers in your answer, and you must refer to each story at least once.

1.       Physically or emotionally wounded.

2.       Alienated from traditional beliefs, values, and  relationships; a loner

3.       Believes world is filled with tragedy and irony (pain, loss, violence, death)

4.       Forced into heroic roles, does not volunteer, does not see self as heroic

5.       Master of sport, soldiering, and traditional male pursuits; finds beauty and solace in sport and its rituals; finds reward in having done a job well

6.       Ultimate goal:  show “grace under pressure,” face danger or death without cracking, complete the job capably

7.       Common metaphors symbolizing the hero’s quest: fishing, hunting, bullfighting

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