Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The Great Gatsby, Quiz and Multi-Genre Activity

QUIZ, Chapters 4-6

The Great Gatsby: Multi-Genre Activity
With a partner or group of three, complete any FIVE of the activities below for any character or theme in The Great Gatsby.


Society and Class
Visions of America
Memory and the Past
Love and Marriage
Lies and Deceit

1.       Original Poem:  write an original poem about your theme or character.  Minimum of 10 lines with specific references to the novel. (May do for up to two characters or themes)

2.       Playlist:  select at least five songs which you feel best represent your theme or character.  Include a copy of the lyrics.  Explain why these songs are appropriate choices.  Your explanation must be at least 5-7 sentences. (May do for up to two characters or themes)

3.       Interview:  Conduct an interview of a person related to your topic as if you were Jay Leno, Oprah Winfrey, Jon Stewart, or some other well-known interview personality.  Write the questions and the answers to the questions from the point-of-view of the person.  You must include 10 Questions with Answers.  Answers must be a minimum of 5 sentences.

4.       Newspaper Article:  Write a newspaper account of an event that occurred relative to your topic.  Minimum of 4 paragraphs.  Use the 5 W’s (who, what, where, when, why).

5.       “Dear Abby” Letter:  Pretend that you are a character in the novel.  Write two letters to “Dear Abby” telling her about two separate problems that you have been having.  Be sure to include a response from Abby.  Each letter must be at least one paragraph to Abby and one paragraph in response.

6.       “Dear Diary” Entry:  Imagine you are character in the novel.  Write a diary entry about the day you have just had.  Be sure to include facts from your research to make the entry realistic.  Minimum of 4 paragraphs.

7.       Believe In/Stand For:  Pretend that you are a character in the novel.  Tell what it is that you stand for/represent.  What ideals of life and living do you focus your attention on? How do you expect yourself and others to act and/or impact society?  Minimum of 4 paragraphs in essay style.  State a thesis with two reasons why you believe what you do…

8.       Facebook Page: Create a “Facebook profile” for one of the characters on a Word or Google doc.  Create a profile picture and basic profile information.  Possible ideas (but being unique is always good): name, occupation, birthday, relationship status, beliefs, activities, hometown, or favorite movie. Include at least five status updates for your character, each having at least two comments by any of the other characters in Gatsby. (Extra points:  include wall posts by other characters in the novel; include other characters from literature (who would Daisy be friends with, for example?); actual lines of dialogue from the novel as part of the status or comments). (May do for up to two characters or themes)

9.       Twitter Feed: Create a “Twitter feed” for one of the characters on a Word or Google doc. Include at least 10 tweets (140 character limit) the character would have written, plus at least four tweets by other characters in this novel or other characters from any literature your character would have retweeted or favorited. You need at least 14 tweets total. (May do for up to two characters or themes)

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