Listen to the first 6-7 persuasive speeches.
- When you speak: hand in your outline and works cited list.
- If you received 5/5 points on your outline and/or works cited, then you do not need to revise them. If you received fewer points, then revise them and hand in a clean copy.
- Speaker Evaluations: for each day of speeches, complete three speaker evaluations with the following questions:
- The purpose of this speech was to persuade the audience...
- Three main points of this speech were:
- What was good about this speech?
- What is one thing the speaker could work on?
Romanticism Wrap Up:
Consider the literary period (Romanticism) and the “big ideas” associated with it. Select one idea with which you connect (agree or disagree). In a paragraph (at least 6 sentences), write about the big idea with which you connect, the literary piece(s) in which you saw this big idea, and why you connect with this concept/connect it to your own life.
Literary Pieces: Nathaniel Hawthorne, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Edgar Allan Poe, Henry David Thoreau
Paragraphs will be evaluated on:
· Use of detail
· Coherence
· Elaboration
· Analysis
· Personal Reflection
· Standard writing conventions
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