Friday, April 30, 2010

Silent Reading, 20 min

Modern Short Stories

Gothic fiction has the following traits (not all traits will be present in every work):
  1. a shocking ending
  2. sinister settings
  3. fantastic plot
  4. grotesque character(s)
  5. use of the supernatural
William Faulkner, "A Rose for Emily" (p. 720)
  • This story is not told chronologically. Make a timeline for the events.
  • What hints or clues throughout the story foreshadow the gruesome ending? Did these hints prepare you for the ending, or were you surprised by it?
  • What do roses usually symbolize. Why is the title for this story an appropriate choice?
Horacio Quiroga, "The Feather Pillow" (p. 733)
  • Having read both "A Rose for Emily" and "The Feather Pillow," what Gothic elements do these stories display? Which elements do they have in common? Which are different? (A Venn diagram is an acceptable form of answer)

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